Why is Coaching Exploding Since The Covid-19 Pandemic?
- July 25, 2021
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We are now a year into the Covid-19 pandemic and many of us have been affected in one way or another. Perhaps it is also the best time to start a new chapter in our life and consider making Coaching as a career. Here are some opportunities for coaches.
The MCO and lockdown have forced many people to face either intensified isolation, and many work-related stress and anxiety. This is leading many people to seek coaches to help manage their well-being and how to promote better mental health at home or in the workplace, which includes training business leaders on how to manage staff wellbeing, which is a key corporate strategy today. The issues that require coaches here are:
- Fear and anxiety about illness in themselves and their loved ones
- Loss of job and associated loss of income
- Work overwhelmed with sudden increases or changes in responsibility
- Disruption to their daily routine
- Lost contact and connection with social and spiritual supports
Coaching can help ensure leaders have the tools and solution they need to navigate through these unprecedented environment by helping them to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health and empowering them to be better equipped to deal with the situation; how to use the right language with staff at work and have quality conversations on mental health\wellbeing; how staff and teams can develop a cohesive language around mental health; how to develop healthy return to work practices and how to offer guidance on what to do and what not to do.
Crisis is an opportunity and is beneficial to corporate employees and would-be coaches. It is an invitation to get curious about ourselves and reflect on what is – and is not – in alignment to our career. It asks us to pause and look deeply and honestly at all the things we have been doing day in and day out without really thinking about whether those things can fulfill us, play on our strengths, or align with our own purpose. Being pushed into finding a new career or job is actually empowering. It allows workers to get curious about who they are and how they can do work that aligns with their purpose.
Although not all coaches are mental health professionals, they can still support their clients’ wellbeing in many ways such as:
- Creating a sense of employee engagement, trust and safety within the organisation. When people feel anxious about their employment or the future, it can make an enormous difference to have a coach to discuss their concerns.
- Providing a reality check to prevent employee burnout and help them to figure out their boundaries.
- Creating and reviewing options where employees need to discuss uncertain employment opportunities and the economic future. Having someone who is outside the organisation, such as a coach for support and guide them through these uncertainties, can be a life-line.
- Encouraging people who need to return to work, particularly if they have been shielding anxieties about a physical return to work is common.
- Psychoeducation: helping people understand their own response to grief, loss and uncertainty.
- Empathic listening; supporting and normalising the range of emotional responses.
- Helping clients develop practical problem-solving strategies.
- Empowering clients by encouraging autonomous decision-making where possible.
- Encouraging clients to develop daily routines and maintain healthy diet, sleep and exercise.
- Promoting gratitude, hope, humour and deliberately seeking the positive.
This pandemic has made coaching now in a virtual setting, more essential than ever and is prompting both employers and employees to recognise the need for coaching.
Towards this end, Corporate Coach Academy as the premier coaching institution in this country, is stepping up to the plate by offering a better and fulfilling career for those thinking of making coaching as a first-time career or those thinking of making a transition or a career change to coaching.
Click here: https://youtu.be/j8UnFpDG8B8 to watch a free coaching presentation. Call 03-62054488 or log in www.corporate-coachacademy.com for more program details. To register, copy and paste this link https://bit.ly/2uISyCx.