You wouldn’t believe that I have tried to use your coaching techniques to resolve some of the difficulty issues with my staff and students after coming back from the last session.
I dare not claim that I know how to apply exactly what I have learnt but the end results really showed something has changed after my coaching with staff and students. Wow! I have seen the power of coaching with right approach. You know, before I went for your Coaching workshop, I did my so called coaching with staff and students with my way instead of your probe question style, which is quite effective to get the end desired results. Nevertheless, to anyone whom we like to assist in solving their issues, I still believe that passion, love and sincerity will be important to carry out the coaching.
Well, Dr. Heah, I have learnt something useful from you. Thanks for doing this and hope that you will be able to pass on your valuable experience and coaching tool to many who can be a coach and genuine leader