10th Coaching Camp: From the ‘Rah-Rah’ of Teambuilding to ‘AHA’ Ones!
- November 3, 2020
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Sometime ago, I overheard a conversation between 2 friends who had recently attended a team building event:
James: How was the teambuilding event you attended last weekend?
Ahmad: It was fun and we all had a good time.
James: What did you learn there?
Ahmad: (pause) Aaah…….. I can’t recall; there’s something but I can’t remember except we had a good time. Plenty of laughter, food and met many friends.
From here, you can gather that there is a lot of ‘rah-rah’ experience in many teambuilding events, which are really good fun time. However, the better ones do provide learning opportunities to challenge their courage, confidence and creativity using activities.
It was 10 years ago, we already wanted to have a different kind of teambuilding event that could deliver deeper insightful learning for the participants with far more sustainable results. It was for this reason, the Coaching Camp was born, thanks to the Malaysian Association of Certified Coaches (MACC) whc came up with this alternative event.
The Coaching Camp is the first and only kind in the world where coaches and the communities come together in the name of Coaching! Till today no one else have a unique way to deepen their learning in a fun, casual and informal way.
It is now a tradition that we have the Coaching Camp every year for the social and corporate community as its social responsibility to bring the power of Coaching to them. And this year will be the 10th one.
The essence of this event is to give everyone the golden opportunity to work with a personal and professional coach on how to take their lives forward for greater success and fulfillment.
Until this year, the Coaching Camp model is a physical avenue at a nearby resort out of the city. Here forward-looking leaders converge to meet up with a community of certified coaches to support them to achieve their goals.
However, this year will be different as it will be done virtually in view of the pandemic situation. It will be virtual in nature. However, the effectiveness of their learning experience will not be compromised.
Notwithstanding this, all leaders will spend 3 solid hours with their personal coaches who will raise their self-awareness on what they can do to get to their goals in the simplest and fastest way.
These coaches will take these leaders through a journey of self-discovery and then co-create powerful plans that take them forward to their goals in an empowered way.
This year’s coaching theme is “Resilience & Adaptability” where the focus is to help leaders to acquire strong skills to deal with the challenging times we are all facing.
During this day, there will be insightful talks by 2 of our best coaches, Andreas Vogiatzakis and Andrea Gyongi who will share on how these 2 highly critical skills can be acquired.
Based on the result of previous years, some forms of transformation take place. The leaders’ energies are renewed and energised with an empowered outlook and a better way to move forward in their lives.
Organisations that invest in putting their people in the Coaching Camp reap big ROIs as these leaders can perform even better than before.
The best part of this is it is only RM150 to have a personal coach for 3 hours, which would be at least 10 times in other times.
So, do join us. Remember that having someone looking in from the outside for you is a rare privilege not to be missed. The greatest of self-awareness emerges for your lasting good.
So join us on 21 November 2020 for an experience that does not come by often.
Call 03-62054488 or log in www.corporate-coachacademy.com for programme details. Live and virtual coach-learning is available. To register, copy and paste this link https://bit.ly/2uISyCx. Log in http://mikeheah.com to read Stories That Coach. Join our virtual Coaching Camp on November 21 and be coached to achieve success by professional certified coaches.